I have a Solution that will reduce pressure on IIT aspirants but do not know how to get this across to HRD Minister of India. Suggestions are welcome. - Ram Krishnaswamy

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Thursday, June 2, 2011

14 - 5th May 2006 - Suicides at IIT-K - Source - Floating Sun

I just found out from Nitin that there was another suicide at IIT Kanpur yesterday. There was another one last December. Its just a sad, sad day.

My heart goes out to the families of the deceased. But I can’t help but feel some disgust at the act of committing suicide. Specially if its over flunking a couple of courses. Sometimes it is just so important to realize the big picture in life and how often things that we are so worried about don’t really matter much in the end. But I’m none the wiser. I hope, everyone involved finds some peace.

Meanwhile, what really, //really// pisses me off is the rest of the student community. These smart asses are blaming the system  at IITK. That just so much bull shit.

IMNSHO, I think IITK is one of the most transparent places I’ve ever seen in my life. The system is mostly flat, there is some red tape but nothing compared to government offices. Even the Director is easily accessible to anyone who wants to meet or voice some concerns. The grading system is even better: instructors are required to finish grading **within 72 hours** of the exam. Students can question the instructor, examine their transcripts and even request a re-grading.

How does the grading system lead to suicide anyways? There are exceptions to each norm. There will be some instructors who will be unfair. Just like there are always some students who break the rules. Life’s like that. Its not a reason to commit suicide. I hope the idiots making a hue and cry back at IITK realize this. Don’t try to fix something that is not broken.

Meanwhile, two suicides in less than 6 months at IITK is not a good sign. As they say, charity begins at home. Make sure you talk to your kids, try to get to //know// them. Ask him/her about friends in college. When your child is away from home, friends are the only support system. Frankly, I think the administration already tries to do a lot from their side — you have access to support groups, faculty counseling, student counsellors, and a psychiatrist to talk to if you should need one.

Anyways, I didn’t mean to offend anyone by this post. If I did, I apologize. Its just so frustrating to see young lives wasted like this.